Saturday 27 August 2011

what we can do to help ease world hunger

In general, poverty is a situation where a person is the lack of material necessities of life. In modern society, poverty is usually equated with a lack of money. Is it true that poverty can be overcome? How should poverty be addressed? To what extent the mental attitude that will be produced Because of this poverty will affect the development of the nation? What should the authorities or the poor communities themselves cope with the situation? Really hard to reduce the poor? Targeted poverty reduction is expected to fail because of the many barriers that make it difficult decline in the number of poor people do, among others, due to higher oil prices and food Number of Poor People Be 220 Million up the World. Echoes of poverty increasingly felt alone, although in fact carried out the budget increase.
Protection to the poor, the absolute must of preliminary treatment of a rich past, anyone who feels rich, do it with anything that belongs to and who can. Which could provide two, giving two that could give three give three could do four  to give  four and so on do it do not be afraid to do all to no avail do to the poor. The God of the above would not be remiss to write it all down and replace more and more.
Pay zakat
Currently all Muslims are busy doing rituals and prayers must fast during Ramadan tarawih. Besides we are talking about fasting and praying Tarawih, not to mention the obligation of Zakat Fitr. Zakah Fitr is the charity of self required on every Muslim male and female individual who are able to set conditions. For him that Muslims who do not pay zakat, then no one is perfect pillars of Islam. Wisdom to pay zakat  is a facility to assist in fulfilling the desires of life is poor most of the country's majority group in the world. Bridging the gap between those with the poor.